Jobs in Quality Assurance in Derbyshire

This list is of the most up to date, relevant and urgent jobs available within Science Quality Assurance. These jobs are all based in the UK. Please note the jobs location and approximate wage. Jobs in Science Quality Control are usually laboratory based positions and involves an integral part of most science production lines. Being in a Scientific Quality Assurance role often requires scientists to keep notebooks and lab notes to conduct their assurances ongoing, this is to help streamline and safeguard data to maintain equipment, products and services that are involved with the practice of the laboratory. Jobs in this field are very competitive therefore often people have masters or PhD's in the field of Science Quality Assurance. If an employer is searching for a graduate with a specific set of qualifications and skills, the more you have accrued the better chance you have of being successful. We update this list regularly with current graduate Science Quality Assurance jobs; please keep up to date with vacancies as they can go quick.

HSEQ Advisor - Chemical Manufacturing

Experienced Health & Safety and Compliance advisor required to join market leading chemical company in Derbyshire. Strong understanding of H&S, Environmental and Quality Management Systems. Comp salary.